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  • Writer's pictureSenthil Kumar

Get Ready for Shoaling: Action framework for School of Fish Strategy

Prepare your organization for Team Spirit, Shared sense of supremacy, Competitive Orientation, Sense of empowerment & ownership.

Get your organization members ready for a challenge – to challenge themselves; emphasizing the importance of stretching energy and resources at individual, group and unit levels.

Training for team spirit: Let everyone put on a Jersey with a strategy slogan that will channel the members’ energy and commitment toward competitive challenge or against a rival.

For e.g., “Beat the Sharks or Knock out a Giant” ... like phrases that will help your entire organization focused on a bold, strategic, competitive intent.

Display the strategic and competitive intent in cabins, office walls, doors and bulletin boards.

Promote stories, positive sayings or metaphors that reinforce optimism, organizational values, and benefits of shoaling.

Modularize the Product and Organization for school of fish strategy design. (Refer to competitive strategy mapping and Value chain design with required modularization and supplier alliances).!sofs-competitive-strategy-mapping/c23d2 and!value-chain-dispersion/c1ztx

Create Kaleidoscopic Teams for managing the modularized product and organizational units.

Refer to!kaleidoscopic-organization-design/cmnc

Design the processes to create interdependence among modular teams and units to achieve the scale and innovation goals.

Delegate each team with performance goals, measures, and team based rewards and Empower teams with autonomy, resource sharing and decision making authority.

Communicate constantly the links between individual, team and organizational actions and overall shoaling strategy. And make the goals, measures and results available to every member through digital bulletin, mobile devices and computers in the form of dashboards. Let information echoed across teams and units for easier access and speedier decision making.

Continuously monitor competitor/product attributes; Make changes / adjustments to product attributes, and adjust modular / value chain strategy to counter competitor moves.


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